Biographical informationAh Ling Charlie was born in about 1860 (on his exemption paperwork in 1898 he says 1863). He migrated to Western Australia in 1883. He was a cousin of Charlie Ling On. He rented a garden in South Perth from Justice Stone and also owned the Ah Ling & Co shop in Barrack St, Perth in 1890. He was recorded as owning a pearling plant under the business name of Ah Ling & Co in Cossack when his application for naturalisation was approved in July 1890. Applied for a CEDT in 1894. Was known as Charlie Ah Ling, storekeeper, in 1898. He travelled overseas in February 1898 and returned in January 1899 (C).Other nameAh Ling, 1860- (differentiated name)Ah Ling Charlie (also known as)