Biographical informationEngaged by M. Higham & Sons at Fremantle on 27 March 1879 to work as a coolie for S$6 per month. He arrived by the SS Janet. He was discharged in November 1879 and employed by Captain Smith for the same wage.
In June 1880, Le A Fat absconded from service and was sentenced to one week’s imprisonment. He was later employed by Messrs Smith & Co at three shillings per day. Le A Fat, however, would only work for five shillings a day. In 1882 he was working at Sharks Bay and was the last person to see Ah You (13) alive. In March 1885, Le A Fat was reported to be suffering from an illness which prevented him from working. He was declared destitute and admitted to the Mt Eliza Poor House. He travelled back to Singapore per Natal on 29 April 1885. Other nameLe A Fat (differentiated name)Ah Fat (differentiated name)