Managed the Wing Gin Laundry at 277 James St, Perth, from 1907 to 1909 when he opened the Andrew Ginn Laundry at 957 Hay St, Perth.
Ginn applied for a laundry licence in January 1909. His application was refused on the basis that there were, ‘already too many laundries in the principal thoroughfare of the city’ (West Australian, 9 January 1909, p. 15).
Land agent Charles Sommers appealed to the Local Board of Health on behalf of his client, Mr J. L. Walker who owned the building at 957 Hay Street. Sommers wrote, ‘although the premises have been used as a laundry before, and the application, who is a christianised Chinaman, is, to my knowledge, a respectable man. The place has been idle for some time, and I am naturally anxious to secure a tenant, and shall be glad to know whether a further application by this man would be entertained.’ (City of Perth, 1909/77)
Ginn's second application for a laundry licence was successful (West Australian, 29 April 1909, p.1 ).
He travelled overseas between March 1910 and April 1911. Other nameGinn, Andrew (differentiated name)Andrew Gin