Biographical informationFather of George Chen Hop, born 1901 and a daughter (?name). born 1902. Resided at Cossack from 1888 to 1891 before moving to Fremantle and opening a shop at 133 High St. Chen Hop was reported as having interests in gardens and shops in Perth and Fremantle in the 1890s. He was also a member of the Methodist Mission School Board from 1894. Chen Hop brought his wife (?name) to WA in December 1898 (C). He had a shop at 54 Market St. Fremantle, in 1906 (E). He was recorded as a gardener in Gardener St. East Perth, in 1916 (B). Travelled overseas twice. August 1903 to January 1905 and March 1906 to January 1909 (D). Chen Hop went to Melbourne in April 1918 (B).Other nameChen Hop (Joseph) (differentiated name)