Biographical informationAh Nim (2) was born in about 1870 in Kongmoon [Jiangmen], China. He migrated to Western Australia in 1894. He was just over five feet and five inches in height.
He worked as a market gardener in 1914. He was a shop assistant at Ah Ling & Co, 127 Barrack Street, Perth, from 1916 to 1918 when he returned to market gardening for Sun Yee Sing in Charles Street, North Perth.
In 1919 he worked for Yee Wah in South Perth then for Wing Shung at Balcatta. He worked at Osborne Park in 1924.
Ah Nim was charged on several occasions with 'Being Found in a Gaming House' and breaching Perth City By-laws.
He travelled overseas three times: February 1908 to March 1909, February 1914 to September 1916 and July 1924 to May 1927. Ah Nim left WA permanently in February 1933.
[Ah Nim's Certificate Exempting him from the Dictation Test (CEDT) files can be accessed via the 'Related Link' below.]Other nameAh Nim, active 1894-1933 (differentiated name)Date of birth1870