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template is Audio
La maja y el ruisenor = The lover and the nightingale
template is Audio
Lotus land ; and, Danse negre
template is Audio
Menuetto scherzando
template is Audio
Romance in A flat minor (Disc 2, Side B)
template is Audio
Sonata no. 12 in F major  (Disc 1, Side B)
template is Audio
Sonata no. 12 in F major (Disc 1, Side A)
template is Audio
Sonata no. 12 in F major (Disc 2, Side A)
template is Audio
Tarantella in A minor
template is Audio
The Eileen Joyce story (Disc 1, Side A)
template is Audio
The Eileen Joyce story (Disc 10, Side A)
template is Audio
The Eileen Joyce story (Disc 11, Side A)
template is Audio
The Eileen Joyce story (Disc 11, Side B)
template is Audio
The Eileen Joyce story (Disc 12, Side A)
template is Audio
The Eileen Joyce story (Disc 12, Side B)
template is Audio
The Eileen Joyce story (Disc 13, Side B)
template is Audio
The Eileen Joyce story (Disc 14, Side A)
template is Audio
The Eileen Joyce story (Disc 15, Side A)
template is Audio
The Eileen Joyce story (Disc 15, Side B)
template is Audio
The Eileen Joyce story (Disc 16, Side A)
template is Audio
The Eileen Joyce story (Disc 16, Side B)
template is Audio
The Eileen Joyce story (Disc 2, Side A)
template is Audio
The Eileen Joyce story (Disc 2, Side B)
template is Audio
The Eileen Joyce story (Disc 3, Side A)
template is Audio
The Eileen Joyce story (Disc 3, Side B)
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Contact us about UWA Collected

35 Stirling Highway
Perth WA 6009 Australia

+61 8 6488 2222

CRICOS Code: 00126G

The University of Western Australia acknowledges that its campus is situated on Noongar land, and that Noongar people remain the spiritual and cultural custodians of their land, and continue to practise their values, languages, beliefs and knowledge.

Indigenous Commitment